
We at Living Word are truly excited that you have visited our site. We encourage you to visit us in the worship services for our Living God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Living Word Church is about loving God and seeking His purpose for our lives. We have found that God’s plans are the most exhilarating for any individual. Jesus came to offer us an “Abundant Life”. We believe that God has called us to preach the Truth of the Gospel, in leading people to salvation and a wonderful relationship with their Creator.

God has provided us with the great privilege of co-laboring with Him in His Kingdom.

 The Lord granted a wonderful promise to a father of the faith, Abraham: Genesis 12:2     

“I will make you into a great nation 
       and I will bless you; 
       I will make your name great, 
       and you will be a blessing.

Living Word Apostolic Church has taken to heart this magnificent promise, especially the priority in the promise was made when God said: “I will make you into a great nation”. We believe that God has enabled us to work for His glory and in the process BUILDING UP A GREAT NATION!

A “great nation” is not about one individual, but many. A great nation is not about one preacher, but many. A great nation is not about one worshiper, but many. A great nation is not about one spiritual warrior, but many!

We look forward to meeting you and encourage you to visit in our worship and Bible study.

May Lord’s blessings continually be upon you,

-Pastor Ramon R. Alanis